Purpose of the Code of Ethics 

This Code of Ethics provides an ethical point of reference for the interaction of Transformative Bodywork practitioners, clients, students and teachers in a safe, respectful, clear way. The ethics between teacher and students include the guidelines of practitioner and client. 

Transformative Bodywork aims to support the well-being of clients, practitioners, teachers and students involving all their relations. Practitioners, clients, students, and teachers willingly participate in an embodied transformational experience through touch, breath and movement which is moving towards flow, awareness and integration.

Core Values and Elements
These values guide every aspect of the work, manifesting in each element of the practice:

Embodied Love includes
Love for life in integrity, within ourselves and in connection to the people, world around us.
Respect that nurtures both physical and emotional safety.
Gratitude and humility for the learning journey towards wholeness and connection with the surroundings.

Embodied Awareness and Clarity includes
Presence in the “now” through embodied heartfelt awareness.
Perception of available potential and inner parts that still seek transformation and integration.
The awareness strives from an emotional and physical balanced state. 

Trust in embodied Life Force includes
Courage to open up actively towards the natural transformation, flow, perception and integration.
Trust in the flow that moves naturally towards transformation, flow, balanced wholeness.
A commitment to living fully and authentically with integrity.

Embodied Balance includes
Space for both active and passive qualities to emerge naturally.
Acknowledgment of personal power and self-responsibility.
Openness to the impact and support of life.



Practitioners maintain a regular self-care practice and cultivate their own embodiment through regular practice.
They uphold a commitment to personal and professional growth to enjoy their life.
They continuously work on releasing their own personal patterns and maintaining authenticity.
Practitioners respect their own boundaries while engaging with clients.

Professionalism – creating a save frame
The practitioner takes care that the studio and materials provided are safe and clean.
They take care that the health questionnaires are completed before the session starts, and the session’s framework is clearly communicated.
They are reliable, commit to the agreed dates and actions. 
Practitioners respect and safeguard clients’ and students’ confidentiality. Personal data is stored securely, with controlled access, and no information is shared with third parties without explicit consent.
Practitioners are transparent about their educational progress and act accordingly.
Practitioners work only with clients whose needs align with their expertise, referring clients to more specialised professionals if necessary. 
They seek ongoing learning to deepen their practice and engage in regular supervision from different people.
The practitioner is physically fit, well-groomed, and emotionally balanced, having taken care of sleep and nourishment. They arrive with energy and clarity.
Practitioners embody presence and deep listening.



Clients are in a physical, mental and emotional state that allows them to be a self-responsible partner in the transformational process. 
They have the capacity to meet and integrate intensity that they previously suppressed. 
They have the ability to learn and experience new ways. 

Clients have the intention for greater self-care, self-responsibly and empowerment.
Clients bring their own genuine motivation to transform suffering and to go towards embodiment, flow and higher awareness in life. 
They would like to let go of old coping mechanisms. 
They carry the wish for new experiences. 

They love somebody or something in life. 
Clients are willing to be guided, receive feed back in specific moments, when they are strongly circling in an old pattern. 
Clients have the intention not only to improve their own life, but want to be a source of wellbeing for others around them. 


Practitioner-Client Relationship

Core values in practitioner-client interactions include:
The practitioner-client relationship is professional, transpersonal and free from personal relationship agreements.

Practitioners are maintaining awareness of any sexual attraction and managing it ethically.

If there is a stronger attraction, which gets in the way of the professional relating, they need to stop the process with the client. 

If there is mutual interest to relate privately, the practitioner should wait at least six month until they engage intimate with the person (who had been a client previously). 

Practitioners communicate open hearted with clients.

The practitioner-client relationship is grounded in collaboration and mutual respect, ensuring an equal, “eye-level” interaction.

Communicating openly and respectfully, with an awareness of inherent power dynamics.

Practitioners are open for feedback from clients. They listen and don’t have to defend themselves when they made a mistake. 

Practitioners operate within clear consent boundaries, respecting any “no” from the client, whether verbal or physical, at any time. 

Practitioners acknowledge and honour clients’ cultural, spiritual, sexual, and religious diversity.

Recognise and consider each individual’s physical, emotional, and other limitations with compassion.

Practitioners are ensuring financial motives do not overshadow the client’s well-being. They let clients move on, when they reached their aim or do not wish to continue for personal reasons. 

Upholding the highest respect for the client’s autonomy, free from manipulation or coercion.

Transformative bodywork Sessions and Workshops

Practitioners perceive, feel, see their clients, participants where they are at in this moment. 

They manage to see their limitations but can also look through them, and see their potential and current qualities. (They don’t believe the clients old self doubts. )

Clients can be met where they are in life, without imposing expectations.

Practitioners respecting the unique pace and needs of each individual’s transformation without forcing or holding back the process.

Each individual process can be what it needs to be—whether it is short,  with emotional depth, spiritual, or purely physical.

Practitioners honour clients’ intentions and goals, structuring each session to serve the highest good for everyone involved. 

Transformative Bodywork sessions, workshops and trainings are being facilitated through the body.

Practitioners lead participants and clients toward deeper embodiment through words, touch, and movement.

Practitioners offer clients heartfelt feed back through embodied description, when they lose self-responsibility and blame themselves or others for their suffering. 

The same applies when clients cross their own boundaries in the session or in life. 

Practitioners bring awareness to situations when clients suppress themselves and offer the space for authentic self expression. 

Clients are welcomed with any aspect of themselves. 

Practitioners touch clients from a state of deep listening and embodied attention with the intention that the client can let go of any physical and mental, emotional efforts that prevent them to be their true self. Practitioner and client both agree not to know what the outcome will be. 

Practitioners meet clients in their intensity (pain, fear, anger, pleasure…) and other intense moments of the transformational process. 

Sessions allow clients to explore and integrate new experiences within their personal capacity.

Practitioners trust clients to have their own unique revelations and expressions. 

The practitioner trusts that the client can potentially reach their intentions and aims, even if it will be in slightly different frame than expected. 

Practitioners trust that clients will find their unique ways to address challenges and change in their life.

Sessions end on time, maintaining professional boundaries.

Practitioners and their Colleagues 

Practitioners interact respectfully and constructively with their colleagues, upholding the core values.

Practitioners respect established relationships between colleagues and their clients.

Practitioners speak kindly of colleagues; if criticism arises, they provide clear, heartfelt feedback and are open for feedback of others.

Practitioners represent others honestly in promotional materials.

Based on the teachings of Transformative Bodywork by Sophie Kinkel